Capturing the Essence of Rural Women: the MORE Photographic Contest comes to a successful conclusion
The MORE project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, proudly announces the successful completion of its photographic contest. The contest, launched across seven rural territories in Europe, has played a vital role in promoting the multifunctional roles of women in rural areas and emphasizing their significance in preserving the essence of rural life in Europe.
The MORE project, which brings together eight Partners from six countries including Belgium, Italy, Romania, Greece, Spain, and Poland, is dedicated to enhancing the access to training opportunities and qualifications for EU rural women. Through the establishment of local "Rural Women Hubs" (RWHs), the project aims to empower and celebrate the contributions of women in rural communities.
The photographic contest held by each Rural Women Hub provided a captivating glimpse into the lives, businesses, and activities of women in rural areas. Participants showcased their artistic flair and storytelling abilities, illustrating the diverse and vital roles played by women in the rural landscapes of Europe.