Training content and operational solutions to embrace Smart Working: the SWIFT SME platform is finally available

Contenidos de formación y soluciones operativas para adoptar el trabajo inteligente: la plataforma de SWIFT SME está finalmente disponible

In the first months of 2020, as COVID-19 infections were rising all over the world, entrepreneurs and employers have been asked to close their activities and, if possible, to transfer all of their work online, forcing them to implement telecommuting solutions that, in many cases, have never been experienced before. A comprehensive sample of results emerging from EU sources[1], confirm that EU SMEs and their internal workforce lack a strong and reliable digital/ICT culture (specifically those located in the Mediterranean and Balkan area); a skill-lag that throughout the post-crisis exacerbated pre-existing gaps in terms of opportunities for long-term financial sustainability. EU SMEs are the most affected by the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic: Europe is “closed for business”, and while large companies have systems in place to implement telecommuting and smart work, SMEs (especially microenterprises) do not have ICT systems in place nor policies for their staff to work remotely. SWIFT SME tackles the challenge to equip micro and SMEs all across...
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Swift Sme KOM

Swift Sme Reunión Inaugural

IT Solutions for All se unió a la Reunión Inicial de SWIFT-SME – Teletrabajo: formación innovadora y flexible para las PYMES, un proyecto cofinanciado por el Programa Erasmus+. El 30 de noviembre de 2020, IT Solutions for All se unió de manera online a la reunión inicial de SWIFT SME (Teletrabajo: formación innovadora y flexible para las PYMES), un proyecto cofinanciado por el Programa Erasmus+ de la Comisión Europea, que reúne a seis socios de cinco países (Bélgica, Alemania, Italia, Rumania y España). La reunión inicial, organizada por el Centrum fur Innovation und Technologie GmbH (CIT) e Institut De Haute Formation aux Politiques Communautaires asbl (IHF), inicialmente estaba planeada en Bruselas, pero ha sido reprogramada online debido a las restricciones del COVID-19.
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Presented results from Erasmus+ project PREDICT

Presentación de los resultados del Proyecto Erasmus+ PREDICT

El 26 de noviembre de 2020 se celebró en el hotel Holiday Inn de Skopje un evento multiplicador en el marco del proyecto PREDICT - Prevención de catástrofes TIC (tecnologías de la información y la comunicación) realizado en el marco del programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea (KA201-Asociación estratégica para la educación escolar). Durante el evento multiplicador se presentaron los resultados de la investigación realizada en el marco del Producto Intelectual 1 "Creación de un marco metodológico (capacitación e investigación informática) relativo a la capacitación inclusiva de los niños, los jóvenes y las personas con discapacidad".
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IT Solutions For All opens its doors

From IT Solutions For All, we are pleased to welcome you to our new web portal, a site where people who do not have the means or knowledge to easily deal with new technologies, find direct professional help to the ICT environment. Our vision is to achieve sustainable short-term impacts in the areas where we operate, with efficient management of resources, active community participation and involvement of public institutions If you want to know more about us, below you can read who we are and what our vision and mission are and who we are targeting. We look forward to your visit for our courses and video gallery. If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us, we are waiting for you!...
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