El 10 de noviembre de 2022, IT Solutions for all se unió a la segunda reunión transnacional del proyecto MOREun proyecto cofinanciado por el Programa Erasmus Plus de la Comisión Europea, que reúne a ocho socios de seis países diferentes (España, Italia, Bélgica, Polonia y Rumanía). La reunión se celebró en modo híbrido y fue organizada por la FIH en Bruselas.
Los socios se reúnen en una fase crucial del proyecto proyecto MORE .El consorcio de MORE está completando el estudio sobre la multifuncionalidad de las mujeres rurales como nuevo paradigma de desarrollo y regeneración rural, que culminará con la entrega de las directrices y recomendaciones finales. Los socios también debatieron el estado de la ejecución de los eventos de cocreación y la impartición de cursos de formación. En los actos de cocreación, los principales interesados han participado en las actividades, lo que ha permitido recoger aportaciones cruciales para diseñar herramientas de formación y educación que respondan a las necesidades de los interesados.
La gestión y la metodología del proyecto implican el desarrollo de planes personalizados de gestión, garantía de calidad y difusión del proyecto, así como de herramientas de seguimiento/evaluación. Gracias a la presencia de...
IT Solutions for All has participated in the "Málaga Voluntaria Awards", which took place on December 5th at the Cervantes Theater.
They have been awarded Womet, Asites, María Esperanza Oña and Fundación El Pimpi, also received a special mention Carmen Martell Pino of the Asociación Vive.
It has been a great opportunity to share this enriching night with the volunteers of Malaga, who every day make their contribution to the community.
We have presented the Disk project, which aims to ensure active aging for the elderly, helping them through new technologies....
On 13 October 2022, the second MORE co-creation event organised by partner ITSFA took place, in which 11 VET trainers participated.
During the event, the current status of the project was presented to the attendees, as well as the different points that would be discussed during the session, with the aim of obtaining feedback on the training developed so far according to the needs of the target group. After an introductory brainstorming session, participants provided suggestions as well as positive feedback on the training that will soon be available on the OER platform. Discussions on the critical points that the training should cover acted as a guiding thread for the further development of the developed training module.
Among the key points discussed was the importance of providing the necessary tools for the target group to enhance their skills, with an emphasis on fostering independence in the search for new resources. It is about giving wings to rural women so that they...
El 22 de septiembre de 2022, los socios participaron en la tercera reunión transnacional del proyecto DISK, una iniciativa cofinanciada por el programa Erasmus Plus de la Comisión Europea. DISK reúne a 8 organizaciones de 6 países diferentes (Francia, Italia, Bélgica, España, Grecia y República de Macedonia del Norte). La reunión tuvo lugar en Málaga, acogida por el socio español ITSFA.
El objetivo principal de la reunión era evaluar el desarrollo del proyecto y sus resultados intelectuales, en particular el IO4. Tras comprobar el estado de la plataforma de REA, los socios compartieron sus experiencias en relación con las actividades de Testeo y Validación y definieron un calendario para la elaboración de las Directrices y Recomendaciones Políticas.
On June 28th 2022, Paula Rodríguez Chirino from Radio ECCA, Canary Island (Spain), was interviewed about Radio ECCA's role in the MORE project and the objectives pursued within it. Paula is responsible for the projects and international cooperation area of Radio ECCA, which is a distance education centre for adults and the coordinator of this project.
In addition to its general coordination role, Radio ECCA is responsible for the creation of 10 free access courses. The contents of these courses are aimed at expanding the opportunities of women in vulnerable situations with difficulties accessing the labour market, promoting their multifunctionality by developing skills and competences.
The aim of the MORE project is to promote the empowerment of women in rural areas through the development of new skills and competences that enable them to participate more in local rural ecosystems. The objective is thus to support women in a process of acquiring the necessary means for their personal and professional development and to...
On June 15th 2022, Fran, the CEO of IT Solutions For All, Málaga (Spain), was interviewed about ITSFA’s role in the MORE project and the objectives pursued within it. ITSFA is a social NGO that seeks training in ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) for those people who lack the necessary knowledge to function comfortably in our technological world.
Within the project, ITSFA is the technology partner responsible for the development of an OER (Open educational resources) platform where all materials that will be created during the two years of the project will be uploaded. The platform can be accessed completely anonymously without the need to register.
The project is aimed at women in rural contexts, who take on a multidisciplinary role to improve the quality of life of their families. The aim is therefore to promote their multifunctionality, increasing their knowledge and skills, and consequently reduce the gender gap present in rural contexts and improve the quality of life of these women...
On June 15th 2022, Roberta Albertazzi from IT Solutions For All, Málaga (Spain), was interviewed about ITSFA’s role in the MORE project and the objectives pursued within it. ITSFA is a social NGO that seeks training in ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) for those people who lack the necessary knowledge to function comfortably in our technological world.
Within the project, ITSFA is the technology partner responsible for the development of an OER (Open educational resources) platform aimed at improving the status of women in rural areas. A series of courses, designed to improve the skills of rural women, will be uploaded onto the platform in order to promote their multifunctionality.
The project addresses the concept of the multifunctionality of women, particularly women in rural settings, who cover different roles within the society. Despite the fundamental role of women in the economic development of the community, there is still a gender gap in access to training and employment. The aim of the project...
On June 6, the Kick-Off Meeting of MORE Project (Multifunctional role of women as key driver for rural development) took place. The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, which brings together seven Partners from six countries (Belgium, Italy, Romania, Greece, Spain and Poland). The Kick-Off Meeting, hosted by IHF, was originally planned in Brussels, Belgium but had been rescheduled and developed in Pescara, Italy, due to partners' agreement.
The MORE project (“Multifunctional role of women as a key driver for rural development”) aims to improve the access to, and the quality of, training opportunities and qualifications of rural EU women. MORE actions try to improve and promote the multifunctional role of rural women by enhancing their wide range of skills and encouraging and motivating their participation in local ecosystems.
To fulfil this aim, the project will design the first training programme in order to improve and promote the multifunctional role of rural women by enhancing their wide...
Los días 28 y 29 de octubre de 2021 en Sofía, (Bulgaria), los representantes de la Academia Militar y de las instituciones asociadas han llevado a cabo dos sesiones de trabajo (una reunión transnacional del proyecto y evento multiplicador) que se llevaron a cabo dentro del proyecto PREDICT - Prevención de Desastres TIC (Informática y Tecnología de Computadoras) del programa ERASMUS + de la Unión Europea (KA 201 - Asociación Estratégica para la Educación Escolar).
Ya está disponible en la página web de ATS VIP https://www.atsvip.eu/ los resultados de la muestra de viaje “De la oscuridad a la luz”, una actividad más llevada a cabo dentro de la campaña de concienciación en el marco del proyecto Soluciones de viaje accesibles para personas con discapacidad visual (ATS VIP).
Esta iniciativa, llevada a cabo por los 3 países miembros del consorcio ATS VIP, Macedonia, Rumanía y España, muestra un viaje ficticio llevado a cabo por una persona vidente, privada de la vista para la realización del video, junto a un acompañante. Durante el viaje, estas personas pudieron experimentar algunos de los retos y desafíos a los que se enfrentan cada día las personas invidentes y discapacitadas visuales para viajar.