It Solutions for All in Skopje for the Kick-Off Meeting of ATS for VIP, an Erasmus+ Project
21 January 2020
It Solutions for All was in Skopje on January 13th for the
Kick-Off Meeting of ATS for VIP: Accessible Travel Solutions for Visually Impaired
Persons, a Project co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European
Commission, Key Action 2.
ATS for VIP is implemented by a
Consortium of 3 Partners from 3 European countries (The Republic of North
Macedonia, Romania and Spain). The main objective
of ATS for VIP project is the development of barrier-free tourism OER and
cross-traffic navigation solutions to make travelling accessible and safe to
blind and visually impaired people, as AST for VIP project aims to improve the
mobility and the quality of life of these people all around Europe.
During the meeting, Partners presented
their organizations and jumpstarted Project implementation discussing the
methodology of Intellectual Output 1 “Creation of methodological framework
for accessible and safety traveling for visual impaired persons”, presenting
the design, the functionality of the website and the OER platform: IO2 “Creation
of an OER for accessible safety and secured traveling of visual impaired
persons” and providing ideas...