Course: Enhancing Competitiveness of Micro-enterprises in Rural Areas Unit 2

Market Identification In this page you will find the unit n.2, where we talk about market identification, the unit is divided in 9 module that you can find down here: - Marketing/Promotion & E-Commerce - Buisness Plan, Budgeting and Management Skills - Financial management in micro-enterprises - EU programme awareness/grants for rural micro-enterprise - Access to non-grant finance for micro enterprises in rural areas - Building Capacity in Rural Micro-Enterprises - Pathways2market e costumer identification - EU Single Market Opportunities for Rural Micro-Enterprises - ICT Literacy for Rural Micro-Enterprises Now let's start with the unit 2, under here you can see al the modules which can be opened and closed all the time you want and they are ordered froom the first to the last. Now go on and learn more about marketing. Maketing/Promotion & E-commerce Objective of this module: The goal of this module is to teach you the basics of designing and implementing a comprehensive and result oriented product/service promotion strategy What is promotion?  Promotion is a mix of Actions used to increase product/service sales...
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