Multifunctional role of women as a key driver for rural development. Third MORE co-creation event – ITSFA
On 20 December 2022, the third MORE co-creation event organised by partner ITSFA. At the event, 8 VET trainers with several years of experience both in training and digital skills fostering with similar targets, gathered at ITSFA's premises to participate on this session organised to extract valuable insights.
Firstly, the current status of the project was presented to the attendees, as well as the different points that would be discussed during the session, with the following main objectives:
• Collect cocreation inputs on training material developed and uploaded
• Evaluate training contents and structure developed and its suitability for the user
• Test the user experience in the training section
• Confirm that learning deliverables to target needs
• Check that training solutions are effectively based on trainees
Subsequently, the co-creation team has provided valuable feedbacks on the material uploaded on the Project platform and presented to the user, confirming that it is appropriate and useful for training needs of the target represented by Rural women entrepreneurs...